Hej beliebers :)

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Har haft fult upp med skolan, men kände för att börja blogga igen :)

This was Justin's third music video and it's called Never let you go. Enjoy!
Hello Beliebers!! In a few days Justin bieber Will be at the MTV music awards! And he is nominated for one award!!
Is Justin Bieber Rich?

Ohh yeah!! Justin Bieber is one of the richest teen celebrities!! And this is some others that made the list:
- Taylor Lautner
- Nick Jonas
- Jaden and Willow Smith
- Miley Cyrus
- Selena Gomez
And a few more...
Justin Bieber at the 2011 TCA'S!!
Justin won 4 TCA's!!
I have been waiting for new music from JB!! <3 But this song will be on Chris Browns album. But Novemer 14th Justin will relise his new album BELIEVE !!
This is a fan maide video and I just love it!!
I love this video because it's so inspiering! And people realise what he dose for others to make the world a better place. #makeachange #payitforward #neversaynever
Thank you for inspiering me in my life, and thank you for making me believe in my dreams.
Next 2 You
Here Is Chris Brown and Justin Bieber's musicvideo Next 2 You. This video came out 2 weeks ago, but I saw It 1 month ago, the video had been leaked. But just after a couple of hours It was gone. So I had already seen It befor It came out!
New JB song for Believe?
I am not shore but I think this is a new JB song and maybe It's for his upcoming album Believe.
love this performance by Usher. Usher sings Michael Jackson's song Gone to soon at Mj's memorial 2009.
Justin will be at the BET-AWARDS tonight!!
JB will be at the Bet's tonight. He's not nominated so I think he will just presenting an award.
You can watch It live and online here
Streaming Video by Ustream.TV
Michael jackson R.I.P
In honure of Michael jackson I will write a little story about him and his life.
Well, everything begun in Gary Indiana 1958 29 of agust when the legend Michael Jackson was born.
He was the seventh of 9 children:
They all grow up with thire Mum, Katherine Jackson, Dad, Joseph Jackson.
They lived in a four room house with almost no mony at all.
But five of the brothers got really music intrested (Jackie, Tito, Jeramie, Marlon, Michael) so they started a group called The Jackson 5 ( now noned as The jacksons), they got many numerone hits, for exeple 'ABC' and 'I want you back'
Michael was only 8 years old when the group strted to be famouse all over the world.
MICHAEL Jacksons solo carrier begining
When Michael was 20 he strted to worke on his solo album 'Off the wall', wich sold platinum 3 times 2 years later.
'Off the wall' became so good that people tought that he never could top It. But he did.
2 years later he came out with his most succesful album, and the most sold album of all time, 'Thriller'.
Quincy Jones who had producced 'Off the wall' also producced 'Thriller'.
Michael won alot of pricees 1984 for thriller, he won Grammys and American music awards.
In jnuary 1984 michael and his brothers was doing a pepsi comercical mtogether. But something whent wrong.
Michaels hair cut fire! Every one started to scream.
After that day we did't hear from Michael in 2 years.
It took I while untill Michael came out with something new. And It made history. it wasn's a album, It wasn't a musick video, It was just a song. But this song was special. The song is called ' We are the World ' and It was written by Michael jackson and Linole Richie. They gather as many famouse artists they could find to sing It.
The mony for the song went to charity, It was over 40 milion $ !
!987 Michael tried to top his 'Thriller' wiyh a album called 'Bad'. He did't succied, but 'Bad' is the second most sold album of all time!
Well this was a short story about his life. I did't wana have the part with all rumers and operations because I want to remember him as a singer not a person who was on the front page in every magazine.
Here is some Grammy awards he have wone:
- Grammy – Best male R&B-singer 1980 for Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough.
- Grammy – Album of the year 1984 for Thriller.
- Grammy – Recording of the year 1984 for Beat it.
- Grammy – Best male rock singe 1984 for Beat It.
- Grammy – Best male popsinger 1984 for Thriller.
- Grammy – Best R&B-song 1984 for Billie Jean.
- Grammy – Best male R&B-singer 1984 for Billie Jean.
- Grammy – Producer of the year 1984 together with Quincy Jones.
- Grammy – Best recording for children 1984 for E.T. the Extra–Terrestrial Storybook.
- Grammy – Best videoalbum 1985 for Making Michael Jackson's Thriller.
- Grammy – Song of the year 1986 for We Are the World together with Lionel Richie.
- Grammy – Recording of the year 1986 for We Are the World together with Lionel Richie.
- Grammy – Performace of the year by duo or group 1986 for We Are the World together with Lionel Richie.
- Grammy – Musicvideo of the year 1986 for We Are the World together with Lionel Richie.
- Grammy – Best short musicvideo 1990 for Leave Me Alone.
- Grammy - Living Legend award 1993.
- Grammy – Best short musicvideo 1996 for Scream together with Janet Jackson.
- Grammy – Lifetime achievement award 2009
Michael Jackson was and will be The King Of Pop !!
Okey, just found out that Justins new album will be called 'Belive' just as I suspected after this tweet:

Justin Bieber: and yes i have been enjoying the time off but when we come back we are coming strong. #BELIEVE that. #november.
And I have also found out that It will be relised november 14th !!
I am so exieted!!

Michael Jackson
Today it's two years ago Michael Jackson (also knowne as the king of pop) died. He has been a inspiration for me in my life and he as been a big inspiration for Justin Bieber. We miss him, the world miss him!! Love u and will always do!!

( Michael Jackson grammy awards 1984 )

( Michael Jackson grammy awards 1984 )
Finally Justin biebers Someday is here!! I am going to buy It!! I don't have to smell It because I know It will smell awesome!!
And I am not shore but i think his new album will be relised in november and It will be alled Belive. But I am not shore.
more information will come ;)

And I am not shore but i think his new album will be relised in november and It will be alled Belive. But I am not shore.
more information will come ;)

hahaha D:
I am not uppdating that much, but I still love Jb ;) <3
remember to NEVER SAY NEVER and DREAM BIG!! <3
Someday, I know that Justin will follow me on Twitter :D <3 #neversaynever #dreambig
Vote now!!! only a few hours left! <3
Video of the day again.
Well, when I saw this I just had to share it, so today it's the second video of the day !!
He is so cool !! <3

I am a big fan of Michael Jackson so I think he desirve video of the day. This song/video did he creat 1992. I think he is better then Justin Bieber, he is the KING OF POP!!


You can see his tato.

This pics was from Hawaii;)

BBMA (bilbordemusicaward)

Here is the parfume (:

On the set of Next to U with Chris Brown and Justin Bieber.

here they are in Texas (:

Here they are in Toronto, Canada with justins little sister Jazzy (:
missed alot...
It have been alot latly...
But I will twll you what you missed ;)
- The My world tour has ended!!
- Never say never is out on blue-ray and DVD!!
- Justin won 6 BBMA !!
- Justin was on vacation in Hawaiie with Selena.
-Justin and Selena was spotted kissing alot!
- Justin is nominated for a CMT!!
-Justin is nominated for 2 MMVA!!
- Justin and Selena was in Texas to visit Selenas family.
- Justin came out with a perfume called SOMEDAY!
- Justin bieber and Chris brown was filming the music video for Next 2 u.
- Justin got a new tato.
pics will come soon ;)
Time for VIDEO of the day :D
Justin really loves his fans. So this video is for all BELIEBERS out there!! Justin, yeah you got beliebers, and they are your beliebers <3

Well as you all know, It's a bigger risc to get cancer in Japn because of all that had happend. But Justin still wants to go. He don't want to dissepoint his fans. I guess that's good.....or not....

Soon the MY WORLD tour will end!!! ):
Well, It's only 5 shows left on the My World tour!! He is going to China and Japan! But he will atart recording the new album when he gets back to Atlanta (: So now we have something new to look forward to :D

Well I haven't care so much about my spelling, so you guys, try to read It xD but I am from SWE so I am still leaning ;) <3

He is so amazing!!
Two days ago It was premier of a program in Sweden, the program is calld ''The night is yours''

People who have done something good get there biggest wish come true.
It was a girl that wanet to meet Justin Bieber, so she was flying down to Berline to meet him and see him live.
It's so sweet, I cried when I watched It!!

I am sorry again...
Sorry that I haven't been writing latle, but here comes some things you have missed.

Justinbrings a kid mamed Casy up on stage in Austrailia, they talked aboute bullying and stuff.
Justin got attact on stage by somebody who throwed eggs at him. But the capture the guy.
Justins movie will come out on friday!! <3

Yeahhh, I love when justin watching his old videos at . He is so cute!! Justin, never forget youtube and your first million <3