Time for VIDEO of the day :D
Justin really loves his fans. So this video is for all BELIEBERS out there!! Justin, yeah you got beliebers, and they are your beliebers <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdptTLShiC0

Well as you all know, It's a bigger risc to get cancer in Japn because of all that had happend. But Justin still wants to go. He don't want to dissepoint his fans. I guess that's good.....or not....

Soon the MY WORLD tour will end!!! ):
Well, It's only 5 shows left on the My World tour!! He is going to China and Japan! But he will atart recording the new album when he gets back to Atlanta (: So now we have something new to look forward to :D

Well I haven't care so much about my spelling, so you guys, try to read It xD but I am from SWE so I am still leaning ;) <3

He is so amazing!!
Two days ago It was premier of a program in Sweden, the program is calld ''The night is yours''

People who have done something good get there biggest wish come true.
It was a girl that wanet to meet Justin Bieber, so she was flying down to Berline to meet him and see him live.
It's so sweet, I cried when I watched It!!

I am sorry again...
Sorry that I haven't been writing latle, but here comes some things you have missed.

Justinbrings a kid mamed Casy up on stage in Austrailia, they talked aboute bullying and stuff.
Justin got attact on stage by somebody who throwed eggs at him. But the capture the guy.
Justins movie will come out on friday!! <3