Yeahhh, I love when justin watching his old videos at . He is so cute!! Justin, never forget youtube and your first million <3

When U smile WE smile <3
When U smile, we smile. So pleas never stop smile!! Love you with my whole heart!!

Love you, and will always do that!! Belieberforever <3
Justin, you are awesome!!<3
Wow, this is crazy!! Just foun out that Justin Bieber is nominated for a CMT AWARD!! And It's for Collaborative video of the year!! You are just getting bigger and bigger Justin....
That's not enough!! Justin will hopefully come out with a new album in the end of 2011!!
And his back hurt alot!! but he won't let his fans down!! That's why he did not canceled the concert tonight!!
When you smile, WE smile!!
We will always be BELIEBERS, your BELIBERS!!! <3
Bieber to Australia!!
Justin is in Australia now!! He arrived this morning :D

Okey, I don't want to have song of the day so insted I have VIDEO of the day :D so It can be a musicvideo or a homevideo :D So todays VIDEO is....... JUSTIN BIEBER JUMPING ON A TRAMPOLINE!!
Now Justin is on his way to AUSTRALIA!!! YEAH!! GO JUSTIN!!!<3<3

Just found out that Justin Bieber is nominated for a Webby, and It's for best comedy short movie or episodes!! GO JUSTIN!!!!<3 The name of the video is ''Bieber takes over'' check It out
Yeah!! JUSTIN BIEBER have over 9.000.000 followers on TWITTER!! GO JUSTIN!!! He will past Lady Gaga soon!! We believe in you!!! LOVE YA!!! <3

Justin Bieber <3

OMB SO CUTE!!!!!!!!<3<3<3<3<3
Happy, but not happy?
Okey I am not very happy but still I am happy?! Selena Gomez is going to be with Justin in Malaysia :/ And maybe she will be with him the rest of the tour.... Okey, so I am not happy because of that, but on one way I am happy that Justin is happy. I don't like that he has a girlfriend, but I still understand that he can't be singel for the rest of his life. And Justin knows that he won't sell so much music when he has a girlfriend because the girls don't wan't him to have a girlfrien. I think that he write better when he is singel, but I still love him. He haven't done anything rong, he still need to do normal stuff. Justin I love you and will always no mather what!!<3<3

But I am still a little pissed off.....But they both look happy.....
Song of the day :D
I coulde't fix it as a video but watch the link ;)
So this song was basicly written by Michael Jackson and Linole Richel. And this is the new wersion, but if you wan't to watch the old one watch this one
The song means alot to me, and it's so cool that peapol still remember it. The song came out 1985 and won a Grammy, Song of the year. That's so cool :D <3 BTW, Justin Bieber are singing in the new wersion, he sings the first part where Linole sings in the older wersion :) <3 GO JUSTIN!!!!
And I am really happy that they keep the part where Michael Jackson is singing :D <3 He is so cool, and Justin is also cool :)
Sorry if I did't spell right on a few places xD
Enjoy :)
Twitter :D <3
Okey everybody who have twitter go and follow me, @JB_MJ_kings THX ;) <3
Hi everybody!! <3

Awwwwww, so cute!!!! <3
Okey, when you are a fan of Justin Bieber you are a Belieber, but what are you if you are a fan of Michael Jackson also?? Confused.....
Leave him alone!!!
Sorry, I haven't been active on the blog :( But writing now :P
So I want to say that the papz have been really rude agenst Justin this week, I mean leave him alone! Is that so hard to get??
He still need some privacy!! You are destroying his life, you have never done something right!!! You have just written stuff that are not truth!!! You should be a shame!! Just look what you did to Michael Jackson!! you just make peapol feel bad, feel sad!! Try to respect people!! Go and get a real life insted to destroy others life!! I don't won't the same thing to Justin that happend to Michael!! We beliebers will protect him!! Because we now the truth!!!
Sorry, I haven't been active on the blog :( But writing now :P
So I want to say that the papz have been really rude agenst Justin this week, I mean leave him alone! Is that so hard to get??
He still need some privacy!! You are destroying his life, you have never done something right!!! You have just written stuff that are not truth!!! You should be a shame!! Just look what you did to Michael Jackson!! you just make peapol feel bad, feel sad!! Try to respect people!! Go and get a real life insted to destroy others life!! I don't won't the same thing to Justin that happend to Michael!! We beliebers will protect him!! Because we now the truth!!!
He has been trapped in a hotel because of all the papz!! I hate them because the have not only destroyd Michael Jackson life, they have destryd so many elses life!!!

Je t'aime <3
Sick :(
Hey guys!! I am sick right now :( But you know what's making me happy?? I lissing to JUSTIN BIEBER music :D
Jamais dire jamais♥Nunca digas nunca♥決して決して言わない♥Mai dire mai♥ Well what I am trying to say is... NEVER SAY NEVER!!<3
Love Justin Bieber with my whole heart!!! <3<3

OMB!! It's so CUTE!!!!!!! I LOVE HIM!!! :O <3<33<3<3
Chill ;) <3
Well, right now I am chilling :D

SWEET!! <3 Justin and Jazzy <3

OMB!! Justin and his dog :D
His dog is so cute!!!
The dogs name is Sam!! <3
Grammy awards 2011
I love this Grammy preformence by Justin Bieber, Usher and Jaden Smith :D
Enjoy <3
Song of the day :D
Justin Bieber-Pray
Okey, this song means alot to me. It makes me cry!!
Pray is a song that is tru, It's not so good right now in the world, but you know what? Justin is one of many peapol who try to change that just like Michael Jackson did. So right now Japan is going to have my Pray!!
JB ;) <3
Okey, now my BIEBER hour starts, wich meen that i am going to watch JUSTIN BIEBER :D <3

The picture is so CUTE!!! Justsin and Jazzy <3
Twitter :D
Latest, ''beforwehadjustin'' is the number one trend on twitter :D that's good :)
This is tru, beforwehadjustin I said NEVER, and now I NEVER SAY NEVER!!!
So go and watch NEVER SAY NEVER !!

So do you guys think that I should watch NEVER SAY NEVER again??
The song of the day!!

Later this day I am going to upload ''The song of the day'' so if you want your song here just tell me down here ;) <3
I just woke up :P
I have no idea what I want to do today <3
Well I am going to get some sleep now so see you guys tomorrow ;)
Don't forget, NEVER SAY NEVER!! <3<3<3
JB love you!!<3<3<3

You can't see him anymore!! :O <3
Hello :D <3

Well this is what my blog is all about, Justin Bieber :D <3
I am from Sweden so I am not only going to write on English :P
If you not a Beliber you have nothing to do here.
So if you really want to read my blog, go and become a Belieber ;)
Love you guys!!<3